Cindy Miley Photography

My work ~ My philosophy
Welcome to my site! My work reflects years of professional and personal experiences that have shaped my idea of what a photograph should convey. My philosophy is simple. A photograph should invoke emotion and create a connection between the viewer and the image. The trick is being able to anticipate that moment before you hit the shutter. The images I try to create have to be something I would be proud to hang in my own home. Whether I am photographing a wedding or a high school senior, a family portrait, or an event, I shoot with the same goal in mind, which is to create images that can never be reproduced. I try to capture the images that can be handed down through generations. I grew up in a family full of photographers, and we would sit and look at the old family photo albums for hours. We would reminisce of past holidays and birthdays and loved ones that we've lost along the way. Life is filled with ups and downs, and the fact is things change. Photographs can be the only tangible thing we have to hold on to the moments we cherish. Photography is my way of preserving our stories whatever they may be. Thank you for your time.
Gratefully, Cindy
“You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.” ~ Ansel Adams